NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Russell Park Pickleball Court Improvements


Russell Park Pickleball Court Improvements
City of Jefferson
Jefferson, Iowa

Public Hearing on Proposed Contract Documents and Estimated Costs for Repair or Improvement. A public hearing will be held by the City of Jefferson on the proposed contract documents (plans, specifications and form of contract) and estimated cost for the improvement at its meeting at 5:30 P.M. on May 28, 2024, at 220 N. Chestnut Street, Jefferson, Iowa 50129.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project is for the construction of a post-tensioned concrete pickleball court with structural design, acrylic surfacing, posts and nets, fencing, grading, subgrade preparation, aggregate base, and other miscellaneous items required to complete the project.
At said hearing, the City Council will consider the plans, specifications, proposed form of contract, and estimated total cost for the project, the same now being on file in the office of the City Clerk, 220 N. Chestnut Street, Jefferson, Iowa 50129, reference to which is made for a more detailed and complete description of the proposed improvements, and at said time and place the said City Council will also receive and consider any objections to said plans, specifications, estimate of cost, and form of contract made by any interested party.